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The Kagi financial chart. Copyright (c) 2007 by Marjan Slatinek

Kagi charts, at first glance, look like swing charts. Like swing charts, they have no time axis and are made up of a series of vertical lines, however in the case of kagi charts, the vertical lines are based solely on the action of closing prices, not a bar's high and low prices. Another difference is that the thickness of a kagi chart line changes when closing prices penetrate the previous column top or bottom.

Construction of Kagi Chart:

Choose a reversal amount - absolute or relative value.

Note the first closing price in your data. This is called the BasePrice.

If the closing price of Day 2 is greater than the closing price of Day 1, (the base price), use UpSwing stype to draw vertical line upwards from the closing price of Day 1 to the closing price of Day 2.

If the closing price of Day 2 is less than the closing price of Day 1, use DownSwing style to draw vertical line downwards from the closing price of Day 1 to the closing price of Day 2.

If the closing price of Day 2 is equal to the closing price of Day 1, do nothing. Instead, wait until the end of Day 3, and compare this price with the base price.

If the closing price continues to rise (or fall), we keep moving the Kagi chart up (or down) to the close of each day, regardless of how much or how little it moves.

If the closing price moves in the opposite direction by less than a predetermined number of cents, the reversal amount, we ignore the small move and do nothing to our chart.

If the kagi line has been moving upwards, and the closing price has fallen by more than the reversal amount, we draw a short horizontal line, called the 'inflection line', then a new line downwards, to the lower close of that day.

If the kagi line has been moving downwards, and the closing price has risen by more than the reversal amount, we draw an inflection line, then a new line upwards, to the higher close of that day.

Vertical drawing pen style is defined by the following rules:

If a DownSwing line is extended beyond the previous swing high, pen style is change to UpSwing penbeyond that point.

An UpSwing pen changes to DownSwing pen when the UpSwing line moves below the previous swing low.