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Scheduling map series, to display horizontal bars at different positions.


The TGanttSeries component outputs all points as horizontal bars with different starting and ending horizontal coordinates and different vertical positions.
To see a visual representation of this Series type, go to the TeeChart User Guide.

It can be used to display a sequence of temporal tasks, sorted over time along the horizontal axis.

Set the
ParentChart property to the desired Chart or DBChart component.
Use the
AddGantt or AddGanttColor methods to manually fill gantt bar points.

Each gantt bar has start and end values.
These values can be TDateTime or Double types.

StartValues property stores all starting values for all Gantt bars.
EndValues property stores all ending values for all Gantt bars.

You can connect gantt bars by using the
NextTask property.


Var tmp1,tmp2 : Integer;
{ Clear all Series Gantt bars }
{ Add a first Gantt bar }
tmp1 := GanttSeries1.AddGantt( EncodeDate( 1996, 1,1 ),
EncodeDate( 1996, 1,31 ),
'Programming' );

{ Add a second Gantt bar }
tmp2 := GanttSeries1.AddGantt( EncodeDate( 1996, 3,1 ),
EncodeDate( 1996, 3,31 ),

'Testing' );

{ Connect the first bar to the second bar }
GanttSeries1.NextTask[ tmp1 ]:= tmp2 ;

ConnectingPen property determines the pen used to draw the connecting lines between gantt bar points.

The Pointer.VertSize property specifies the gantt bars height.

Please refer to
TPointSeries ancestor class description for all common Series properties like Pointer, Marks, Axis dependence, methods and events.

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