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Draws points filling the area from the point values to the top or bottom axis (horizontal axis).


The TAreaSeries component outputs all points by drawing a line between them and fills the area defined by the line and the bottom side of the Chart.
To see a visual representation of this Series type, go to the TeeChart User Guide.

Set the ParentChart property to the desired Chart component.
Use the Add or AddXY methods to manually fill area points :

Series1.Add( 123 );

Use the AreaBrush property to draw patterned areas, and the AreaChartBrush object to set the background color for patterns.

AreaColor property determines the background area color.

The lines dividing area points are drawn using the AreaLinesPen property.

To build stacked area charts use the MultiArea property.

The Stairs property controls how to draw the connecting lines between points.
Use then the InvertedStairs property to change how are these steps drawn.

The top lines can be altered by using the LinePen property.

Please refer to TCustomSeries ancestor class description for all common Series properties like Marks, Axis, Pointers and events.