
Hierarchy     Properties     Methods     Events     

Faster series to display points joined with lines.


The TFastLineSeries component is an extremely simple Series component that draws its points as fast as possible.
To see a visual representation of this Series type, go to the TeeChart User Guide.

It can be used in cases where speed is the most important needed feature.

Set the ParentChart property to the desired Chart component.

To add points to the Series use the standard
Add, AddXY, AddNull, AddArray methods :

Series1.Add( 123 );

LinePen property controls the line appearance.

The AutoRepaint property, when False, sets the FastLine in real-time mode.
New added points will be painted without repainting the whole series.

The DrawAllPoints property controls if all points with repeated X pixel coordinates are displayed, or just the first point.
Note: The X pixel coordinate is not the same as the series X values.

Set FastPen property to True to use the Windows stock solid pen (might increment speed a little bit).

If you add null points to the Series, set the IgnoreNulls property to False.

The Stairs and InvertedStairs properties change the visual representation of the lines connecting series points.

Please refer to
TChartSeries ancestor class description for all common Series properties like Axis dependence, Marks and events.