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by Yeray
Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:55 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: Custom drawing on the Chart Panel
Replies: 2
Views: 5179

Hi Chris, The easiest way I can think is to declare your "Text" variable as global and to change the string when the button is pressed: Dim Text As String = "My Text" Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load AddHandler TChart1.AfterDraw, ...
by Yeray
Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:13 am
Forum: ActiveX
Topic: Bug in PDF Export?
Replies: 4
Views: 8678

Hi Raymond,

1. Yes, this is a known issue already in the wish list to be fixed as soon as possible (TV52011519).

2. You are right, it seems that the gradients aren't exported correctly to pdf. I've added it to the wish list.
by Yeray
Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:20 pm
Forum: VCL
Topic: Print corrupted with subchart tool
Replies: 9
Views: 15691

Hi Manuel,

You're right, it seems that transparencies applied to series in a subchart aren't printed well. I've added it to the wish list to be fixed in future releases
by Yeray
Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:47 am
Forum: ActiveX
Topic: text of invisible label
Replies: 2
Views: 4437

Hi hantom,

Have you tried the following?

Code: Select all

by Yeray
Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:27 am
Forum: ActiveX
Topic: Legend with multiple series does not show checkboxes
Replies: 4
Views: 6277

Hi Landa, I haven't been able to reproduce it here. I've tried this code and does exactly the same in v5 than in v8: Private Sub Form_Load() TChart1.AddSeries scLine TChart1.AddSeries scLine TChart1.AddSeries scLine TChart1.Series(0).FillSampleValues 25 TChart1.Series(1).FillSampleValues 25 TChart1....
by Yeray
Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:30 am
Forum: VCL
Topic: Smooth function not working in 8.0.4????
Replies: 20
Views: 21196

Hi jonnyx,

Yes, this is a known bug (TV52010768) in the wish list to be fixed as soon as possible. It seems that this function doesn't work properly with some series.
by Yeray
Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:03 am
Forum: ActiveX
Topic: Strange behavior when DrawAllPoints property is set to FALSE
Replies: 5
Views: 9562

Hi Haianh, Here you have the explanation at the property help: property DrawAllPoints: Boolean; Unit Series Description The DrawAllPoints property controls how many points in a FastLine series will be displayed. The main reason of this property is to accelerate displaying thousands of points in a Fa...
by Yeray
Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:13 am
Forum: VCL
Topic: WarmPie example in Delphi - smooth pie chart
Replies: 8
Views: 17235

Hi marder, Notice that some of those charts were plotted using TeeChart for .NET v3 and some of Micrsoft .NET Framework drawing tecniques are not available in the VCL framework. However, I've sent to your forums registered mail an example reproducing similar pie to the one in the gallery using TeeCh...
by Yeray
Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:49 am
Forum: VCL
Topic: Antialias Tool - Bug when set border non visible
Replies: 3
Views: 6213

Hi marder,

I'm afraid I can't tell you an estimate date at this moment. I recommend you to be aware at this forum or subscribe to our RSS news feed for new release announcements and what's fixed on them.
by Yeray
Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:18 am
Forum: ActiveX
Topic: Datasources and null points
Replies: 4
Views: 6905

Hi Ashustosh,

Having the property "IgnoreNulls" to false:

Code: Select all

TChart1.Series(0).asFastLine.IgnoreNulls = False
you should set the property "TreatNulls" as you wish. The property:

Code: Select all

And the three possible values:

Code: Select all

by Yeray
Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:37 pm
Forum: VCL
Topic: Antialias Tool - Bug when set border non visible
Replies: 3
Views: 6213

Hi marder,

Yes you are right. I've added this to the wish list to be fixed in further releases (TV52013798).

And I'm afraid I can't think in a satisfying workaround at this moment.
by Yeray
Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:26 pm
Forum: VCL
Topic: Antialias in marks text - Works in V7 but not in V8
Replies: 2
Views: 4788

Hi marder, I've seen this problem both in v7 and v8 demo "All features/3DCanvas/AntiAlias". I've added it to the wish list to be revised for further releases. On the other hand, you could use GDI+ to have a nice antialias in your text labels. You could take a look at the demo "All features/3DCanvas/...
by Yeray
Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:03 pm
Forum: Java
Topic: Using Editor in SWT
Replies: 5
Views: 11238

Hi Roger, We made a simple example as we don't have the arrays you are using to fill in the series, but you shouldn't find problems with this. So, please, could you check if this example works fine for you? And feel free to modify it to let us reproduce the problem. candleSeries = new Candle(chart1....
by Yeray
Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:17 am
Forum: VCL
Topic: End user XY charts
Replies: 6
Views: 11409

Hi Lucien, The following example is to show you could disable all the editor tabs except the SeriesData , so that the user will only see this tab and change series data. uses TeeEditCha; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var HidenTabs: TChartEditorHiddenTabs; begin HidenTabs := [cetMai...
by Yeray
Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:51 am
Forum: VCL
Topic: Anti-Aliasing causes lines in transparent series
Replies: 7
Views: 11844

Hi Ed Dressel,

As you say, AreaSeries with transparency + Antialias seems do something strange. I've added it to the wish list to be fixed in future releases (TV52013340).

But as workaround you can hide the lines as follows:

Code: Select all

Series1.AreaLinesPen.Style := psClear;