Queries for contour..

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Queries for contour..

Post by anyone » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:03 am

We are currently using Tee-Chart Active X 8.
We are facing a problem related to 'contour' series.
When we open the T-Chart editor and select the Grid 3D tab -> Single -> "Remove custrom colors button" appear.

We want to use this function for VC6(MFC) Code.

Please suggest if there is any way to directly for using this function.


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Re: Queries for contour..

Post by Narcís » Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:53 am

Hello ms.Lee,

Please bear in mind that TeeChart Pro ActiveX is a COM wrapper of TeeChart Pro VCL. Therefore, editors are written in Delphi. So that's what the button in TGrid3DSeriesEditor (TeeGriEd.pas) editor does:

Code: Select all

procedure TGrid3DSeriesEditor.BRemoveClick(Sender: TObject);
var t : Integer;
  with Grid3D do
  for t:=0 to Count-1 do ValueColor[t]:=clTeeColor;
Where Grid3D is a TCustom3DPaletteSeries. Therefore, in Visual C++ you could translate this code to something like this:

Code: Select all

	for (int t=0; t<m_Chart1.Series(0).GetCount(); t++)
		m_Chart1.Series(0).SetPointColor(t, 536870912); //clTeeColor = 536870912
Values for TeeChart constants, like clTeeColor can be found at TeeChartDefines.h at the Visual C++ examples folder, for example: C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro v2013 ActiveX Control\Examples\Visual C++. You could also include it in your project so that you can use the constants directly.
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet / Development & Support
Steema Software
Avinguda Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia
Tel: 34 972 218 797
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