Hi there,
I want to copy the Zoom form one chart to another.
This means, I want to copy the look of the Chart after the zoom
from one chart, to another chart which is in an opening Form.
First I commit a TRect(the zooming Area) to this form.
Then I show it in Modal mode, but when I use the Chart.Zoomrect procedure in the FormShow, Axes.Bottom.CalcPosPoint seems to be
not ready for calculation -> it returns 0 independent on what TRect
is set to.
I tried it with SaveChartToStream, when Loading I get
the Errormessage that the .tee File has a wrong Format.
I tried copying View3DOptions, but there is nothing stored
what has to do with the look after Zoom, right?
Is there any way to easily copy the Zoom from one Chart
to another?
Kind regards,