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TeeChart displays extremely slow in cxRTTIInspector

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:53 am
by 16568761
In a project where the customer must be able to change component properties at runtime I use the DevExpress RTTIInspector.
Normally changing components that are to be displayed there takes no time.
Whenever a TeeChart ist displayed (cxRTTIInspector1.InspectedObject := Chart1) it takes several seconds until the properties are displayed.
This delay is even there when switching back from TeeChart to a Label, for example.
Delphi XE7 32Bit, VCL, TeeChart V2014.12.140923, DevExpress V14.1.5.
The attached sample shows the problems.
I had to remove the exe, it was too big for your server.

Gerhard Sachs

Re: TeeChart displays extremely slow in cxRTTIInspector

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:50 am
by yeray
Hello Gerhard,

I can't build the project. I get a "Required package 'rbADO1621' not found" error.
Note I'm using the evaluation version here that forces me to set the project to "Link with runtime packages"

Re: TeeChart displays extremely slow in cxRTTIInspector

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:44 pm
by 16568761
Hello Yeray,
you can download the exe of the test Project here :

Meanwhile I got an answer from Devexpress.
This what they answered :
This issue is likely caused by the fact that TeeChart has much more different published properties than such controls as TcxLabel and TcxProgressBar. Moreover, TeeChart has many levels of expandable properties. No wonder it takes more time to get and group all of them.
I use TeeChart not directly, but by creating a derived class.
Do you know if it is possible to reduce the number of published properties of a base class in a derived class ?
Actually I need just a few fublished properties, the rest of the word is done vía ChartEditor.

Re: TeeChart displays extremely slow in cxRTTIInspector

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:05 pm
by narcis
Hello Gerhard,

Thanks for your feedback.
gerhardsachs wrote: Do you know if it is possible to reduce the number of published properties of a base class in a derived class ?
No published properties can be eliminated. Otherwise they wouldn't be serialized in the .dfm.

The editors could be optimized to "lazy load" properties when the user expands a node in the inspector instead of loading all properties at the beginning.

A non TeeChart related test would be a form inspector with lots of controls (tabs, frames inside tabs, etc.). It would also be slow due to the accumulation of properties.

Re: TeeChart displays extremely slow in cxRTTIInspector

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:41 pm
by 16568761
Hello Narcis,
the DevExpress RTTIInspector has a filter event where properties can be excluded from loading.
They told me that this would indeed speedup the loading process.
In general, only a few properties needs to be accessable by the user.
This is especially true at TeeChart, where most settings will be made via the charteditor.
I know which way to go now and you can close this case.
Best regards
Gerhard Sachs

Re: TeeChart displays extremely slow in cxRTTIInspector

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:13 am
by narcis
Hi Gerhard,

Excellent, thanks for your feedback.