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Source Code vs. DCUs

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 7:43 pm
by 9336214
I copied the TeEngine.pas unit into the C7 D7 Lib directory without making any additional changes (but wanting to fix the pie chart problem posted earlier) and get the following exception when compiling:

[Fatal Error] TRAK.dpr(27): Unit Chart was compiled with a different version of TeEngine.TCustomAxisPanel

It seems that the source files you ship with Chart 7 are different then the DCU units that you ship with Chart 7. (I had the same problem with Chart 6 as well).

Why isn't the source files up to date (or the DCUs?).

Ed Dressel

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:34 pm
by Marjan
Hi, Ed.

That's possible because the source code distribution usually includes some last minute changes we didn't include in the binaries installer. But if you're source code customer then simply recompiling/installing from source code works every time without any problems.

Once you make change to source code, you have to recompile the source code and reinstall packages. This is the same as installing new Teechart version (same rules apply). The safest way to do this is to

1) remove all old dcu, dcp and bpl files
2) recompile all packages
3) install packages.

I think in v7 the TeeCompile.exe tool does this for you so all you have to do is make sure the compiled dcu/bpl/dcp files are always in the same directory (so that the recompile tool finds/backups up them).