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Could no tload file or assembly

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:31 am
by 15681291
It's been quite a few years since I've upgraded my project with new versions of Tchart, I think that last time was in 2013 sometime. Anyway, I've downloaded the latest march 2017 release and installed it. But now when I try and compile my solution VB .net using VS 2017 I get the following errors.

'Could not load file or assembly 'TeeChart, Version=4.1.2017.2146, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9c8126276c77bdb7' or one of its dependencies. Invalid pointer (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004003 (E_POINTER))' CapTell_Charts C:\CaptellDevelopmentVersion8\CaptellDevelopmentVersion8\CapTell_Charts\LC

I have checked the teeChart reference it points to 4.1.2017.2146, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\Steema TeeChart for .NET 2017 4.1.2017.03140\net462\x86\TeeChart.dll

The Licenses.licx file contains
Steema.TeeChart.TChart, TeeChart, Version=4.1.2017.2146, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9c8126276c77bdb7

And my project it compiling using 4.6.2 version of Dot net.

My solution has about 20 projects, some DLL's and some windows forms. The DLL's that reference the teeChart component compile ok it's only the windows forms projects.

This has halted my upgrade project so any ideas on how to resolve this would be appreciated.


Re: Could no tload file or assembly

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 7:57 am
by Christopher
Hello Adrian,
Adrian wrote: This has halted my upgrade project so any ideas on how to resolve this would be appreciated.
Of course we will get this working for you. The first step, in my opinion, is to create a new Windows Forms project, add a TeeChart reference to it, and see if you can create a TChart object at runtime. If you can do this, then try adding TeeChart to the Windows Form designer's toolbox and see if you can add a TChart to the design surface. If both of these work as expected then it is a case of comparing the contents of the *.csproj file that works and that which doesn't - are you using the correct .NET Framework version of TeeChart.dll?