PDF Creation from TChart.NET

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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PDF Creation from TChart.NET

Post by Frances » Tue Apr 05, 2005 8:02 am

Hi, I would like to create a PDF plot from TChart.NET. I have multiple charts plotted in one chart on TChart.Printer.Print (new Rectangle ...)

It plots nicely and quickly which i can see in PreView. However, when i use a PDF Printer (Whatever is available in the market, doesn't matter about the prize) to save it to a file, it comes up with a plot of Size 5 MB whcih i could not print to a paper.
I tried every possible PDF printer available. The memory spooled to the printer is of Size 150 MB or so which hangs my system and eats all the resources.

Is there a way to reduce the points based on Pixel size plotted on Screen thereby reducing the number of points spooled to the printer (or PDF file) and still retaining the original graph. I can do it on a Smoothed graph (using function) but that is not what i am asking for.

I have tried CalcXSizeValue(x1) function to check if they fall under the same pixel. It really doesn't help me much.

Many Thanks in Avance.

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Post by Marjan » Tue Apr 19, 2005 12:06 pm

Is there a way to reduce the points based on Pixel size plotted on Screen thereby reducing the number of points spooled to the printer (or PDF file) and still retaining the original graph
You're on the right track. Point reduction is the way to solve the problem with big file. A while ago I posted an article about related topic. You can find it here. Especially, check the discussion under the DrawAllPoints.
Basic idea is to cycle through all visible points and replace group of points with the same (x) coordinate with one, two or four points.
Marjan Slatinek,

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